Thursday, May 20, 2010

After a long day of ECOs in Bedford...

Some one must have tainted the water supply in Bedford County. I went to the ER in Bedford for one ECO, and three others showed up. For those of you who don't know, an ECO (Emergency Custody Order) is a legal document that allows the police to take a person who is in an acute mental health crisis into custody for four hours to allow the Crisis Clinician (me!) to do an assessment to determine if said person needs to be hospitalized against their will, in which case a Temporary Detention Order (TDO) is issued. Needless to say, yesterday was crazy busy for my coworker and I, and there were so many cops in the ER, you would have thought it was a crime scene.

So I get back to our office in Lynchburg at 11:30pm, having been in Bedford since 2:00. Since my normal shift is Tuesday-Thursday from noon to midnight, my drive home consists primarily of dodging deer and other creatures of the night whilst listening to heavy metal at a reasonably loud level to keep me alert. Last night, my selection was Fear Factory's new album "Mechanize", a monster of an album! I got to thinking: I have listened to that album about 12 times now, and for the most part I have the tune to each track memorized. Except for one song, "Oxidizer". I don't know why, but I cannot remember how the song goes when I try to spontaneously remember it. So while I was driving home, I started wondering if the fact that I own so many (500+) CDs with thousands and thousands of songs, has my brain started running out of capacity to remember new songs? It frustrates me (for some stupid reason, I know) that I have all of the other tracks on "Mechanize" memorized, but not this ONE song!

I decided the only solution to my dilemma is that I somehow have to start forgetting the tunes to songs that are a waste of space in my brain. I don't know, something like losing the memory of some stupid Ween song from the 90's, like "Reggaejunkiejew" or radio hits from the same era, such as "Macarena". Fuck that song! And while we are at it, let's forget all of today's top 40 hits that my wife listens to on K92, like that "Tick Tock" song by the chick who brushes her teeth with a bottle of Jack, while picking out her clothes clothes (Actually, this one won't be forgotten until my wife takes it off as her cell phone ringtone).

Something's gotta give though. I need to clear space in my brain to remember the songs I want to remember by extracting and burning the ones I wish to forget.

So the above was the internal conversation I had with myself on the way home from work last night. Anything to stay awake!

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